ASP.NET CORE Main Method

ASP.NET Core Tutorials
[quads id=RndAds] ASP.NET CORE Main MethodIn this tutorial will discuss and understand what is core main method and below points.Importance and use of ASP.NET Core Main method.What happen in background when .NET Core application is executed.In an ASP.NET Core project we have a file with name Program.cs. In this file we have core main method as public static void Main() method public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { CreateHostBuilder(args).Build().Run(); } public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => { webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>(); }); } If you have any experience with previous versions of .NET, a console application has a Main() method and it is the entry point for that console application.But here, we are creating an core web application and not a console application. So the…
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ASP.NET CORE Project Structure Overview

ASP.NET Core Tutorials
[quads id=RndAds] ASP.NET CORE Project Structure OverviewIn this tutorials will discuss and understand.Crearte ASP.NET Core First Application.ASP.NET Core Project structure overview.Creating First ASP.NET Core Web ApplicationWe are using Visual Studio 2019 To create a new ASP.NET Core Project, Open Visual Studio 2019. And then click on the Create a new project box as shown in the below snap.Once you click on the Create a new project box, it will open the “Create a new project” window. This window includes different .NET Core 3.1 application templates. Here we will create a simple web application, so select the ASP.NET Core Web Application template and click on the Next button as shown in the below snap.Once you click on the Create button, it will create a new ASP.NET Core Web Project in Visual Studio…
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ASP.NET CORE Setup Environment

ASP.NET Core Tutorials
[quads id=RndAds] ASP.NET CORE Setup EnvironmentIn this tutorial we are going to do core setup environment to create our first core MVC application. Tools and Software:   for core setup environment and creating the core mvc application we needed below tools and software. This tools can be used as per availability Machine/OS : We can use one of this (Windows, Mac, Linux) machineIDE : Recommended Visual Studio 2019 but you can use 2017 also and install the SDK.Dot Net Core SDK: This is the software development KIT and this KIT is helpful for the development and running of the application in the system.You can follow below steps to prepare core setup environment ready to make sure run .net core applicationsDownload and install Visual Studio: If you already have visual studio install on your machine…
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ASP.NET CORE Introduction

ASP.NET Core Tutorials
[quads id=RndAds] Introduction to ASP.NET Core Framework  ASP.NET Core is a free, open-source and cloud optimized web framework which can run on Windows, Linux, or Mac. You can say that it is the new version of ASP.NET. The framework is a complete rewrite from scratch in order to make it open source, modular and cross-platform. It was initially launched as ASP.NET 5 but then it was renamed to ASP.NET Core.ASP.NET Core is a modular framework distributed as NuGet packages. This allows us to include packages that are required in our application.ASP.NET Core applications run on both, .NET CORE and traditional .NET framework (.NET Framework 4.x). ASP.NET Core is designed to be deployed on cloud as well as on-premises. Developers can now build cloud-based web applications, IoT (Internet of Thing) and mobile backend…
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